

Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //***************************************************************************
00002 //
00003 //  File........: ADC.c
00004 //
00005 //  Author(s)...: ATMEL Norway
00006 //
00007 //  Target(s)...: ATmega169
00008 //
00009 //  Compiler....: AVR-GCC 3.3.1; avr-libc 1.2
00010 //
00011 //  Description.: AVR Butterfly ADC routines
00012 //
00013 //  Revisions...: 1.0
00014 //
00015 //  YYYYMMDD - VER. - COMMENT                                       - SIGN.
00016 //
00017 //  20030116 - 1.0  - Created                                       - LHM
00018 //  20031009          port to avr-gcc/avr-libc                      - M.Thomas
00019 //  20050610          modified for VUW datalogger use               - N.Lott
00020 //
00021 //***************************************************************************
00023 //mtA
00024 //#include <inavr.h>
00025 //#include "iom169.h"
00026 #include <avr/io.h>
00027 #include <avr/pgmspace.h>
00028 #include "pgmspacehlp.h"
00030 //mtE
00032 #include "main.h"
00033 #include "ADC.h"
00034 #include "BCD.h"
00035 #include "LCD_functions.h"
00036 #include "types.h"
00037 //#include "timer0.h"
00038 #include "uart.h"
00039 //#include "speed.h"
00040 //MP3 Player #include "dataflash.h"
00042 #define Log2Flash 1
00044 // mt __flash int TEMP_Celcius_pos[] =    // Positive Celcius temperatures (ADC-value)
00045 const int TEMP_Celcius_pos[] PROGMEM =    // Positive Celcius temperatures (ADC-value)
00046         {                           // from 0 to 60 degrees
00047             806,796,786,775,765,754,743,732,720,709,697,685,673,661,649,
00048             636,624,611,599,586,574,562,549,537,524,512,500,488,476,464,
00049             452,440,429,418,406,396,385,374,364,354,344,334,324,315,306,
00050             297,288,279,271,263,255,247,240,233,225,219,212,205,199,193,
00051             187,
00052         };
00054 // mt __flash int TEMP_Celcius_neg[] =    // Negative Celcius temperatures (ADC-value)
00055 const int TEMP_Celcius_neg[] PROGMEM =    // Negative Celcius temperatures (ADC-value)
00056         {                           // from -1 to -15 degrees
00057             815,825,834,843,851,860,868,876,883,891,898,904,911,917,923,
00058         };
00059 /* Removed for space - NAL
00060 // mt __flash int TEMP_Farenheit_pos[] =  // Positive Farenheit temperatures (ADC-value)
00061 const int TEMP_Fahrenheit_pos[] PROGMEM =  // Positive Fahrenheit temperatures (ADC-value)
00062         {                           // from 0 to 140 degrees
00063                     938, 935, 932, 929, 926, 923, 920, 916, 913, 909, 906, 902, 898, 
00064                 894, 891, 887, 882, 878, 874, 870, 865, 861, 856, 851, 847, 842, 
00065                 837, 832, 827, 822, 816, 811, 806, 800, 795, 789, 783, 778, 772, 
00066                 766, 760, 754, 748, 742, 735, 729, 723, 716, 710, 703, 697, 690, 
00067                 684, 677, 670, 663, 657, 650, 643, 636, 629, 622, 616, 609, 602, 
00068                 595, 588, 581, 574, 567, 560, 553, 546, 539, 533, 526, 519, 512, 
00069                 505, 498, 492, 485, 478, 472, 465, 459, 452, 446, 439, 433, 426, 
00070                 420, 414, 408, 402, 396, 390, 384, 378, 372, 366, 360, 355, 349, 
00071                 344, 338, 333, 327, 322, 317, 312, 307, 302, 297, 292, 287, 282, 
00072                 277, 273, 268, 264, 259, 255, 251, 246, 242, 238, 234, 230, 226, 
00073                 222, 219, 215, 211, 207, 204, 200, 197, 194, 190, 187, 
00074         };
00075 */
00076    /*     
00077 // mt __flash int LIGHT_ADC[] = // Table used to find the Vref, when using the voltage-reading function 
00078 const int LIGHT_ADC[] PROGMEM = // Table used to find the Vref, when using the voltage-reading function 
00079         { 
00080             0x35,0x60,0x80,0x0B0,0x11D,0x13D,0x15A,0x17A,0x197,0x1B9,0x1DA,
00081             0x1F9,0x216,0x240,0x26D,0x282,0x2A2,0x2EF,0x332,0x3B0,0x3F2
00082         };
00083     */
00084 /*    
00085 //mt __flash float LIGHT_VOLTAGE[] = // Vref table correspondent to the LIGHT_ADC[] table
00086 const float LIGHT_VOLTAGE[] PROGMEM = // Vref table correspondent to the LIGHT_ADC[] table
00087         {
00088             2.818,2.820,2.824,2.827,2.832,2.835,2.839,2.841,2.843,2.847,2.850,
00089             2.853,2.857,2.863,2.867,2.870,2.874,2.882,2.893,2.917,2.939
00090         };
00092 */
00093 float   Vref = 2.900; // initial value
00094 char    degree = CELCIUS; // char degree = CELCIUS;
00096 //MP3 Player extern char gLogging;
00097 //MP3 Player extern char gLogNow;
00098 //MP3 Player int        gMaxTemp=1023;
00099 //MP3 Player int        gMinTemp=0;
00101 /*****************************************************************************
00102 *
00103 *   Function name : ADC_init
00104 *
00105 *   Returns :       None
00106 *
00107 *   Parameters :    char input
00108 *
00109 *   Purpose :       Initialize the ADC with the selected ADC-channel
00110 *
00111 *****************************************************************************/
00112 void ADC_init(char input)
00113 {
00115         // todo : change to internal bandgap referencec when input = voltage.
00116 //      if (input == VOLTAGE_SENSOR){
00117 //              // disable the VCP (VC-peripheral)
00118 //              PORTF &= ~(1<<PF3); // mt sbi(PORTF, PORTF3);     // Enable 
00119 //              DDRF &=  ~(1<<DDF3);    
00120 //              ADMUX = VOLTAGE_SENSOR|(1<<REFS0)|(1<<REFS1); // select internal bandgap reference see VOLTAGE_SENSOR definition
00121 //              Vref = 3.0;
00122 //      }else{
00123 // !!!:nick:20051120 
00124             PORTF |= (1<<PF3); // mt sbi(PORTF, PORTF3);     // Enable the VCP (VC-peripheral)
00125                 DDRF|=  (1<<DDF3); // sbi(DDRF, PORTF3);      
00126                 ADMUX = input;    // external AREF and ADCx
00127                 Vref = 2.900;
00128   //  }
00129     ADCSRA = (1<<ADEN) | (1<<ADPS1) | (1<<ADPS0);    // set ADC prescaler to , 1MHz / 8 = 125kHz    
00130         //MP3 PLayer : note above line has timing 8 x faster.
00131     input = ADC_read();        // dummy 
00132 }
00135 /*****************************************************************************
00136 *
00137 *   Function name : ADC_read
00138 *
00139 *   Returns :       int ADC
00140 *
00141 *   Parameters :    None
00142 *
00143 *   Purpose :       Do a Analog to Digital Conversion
00144 *
00145 *****************************************************************************/
00146 int ADC_read(void)
00147 {
00148     char i;
00149     int ADC_temp;
00150         // mt int ADC = 0 ;
00151         int ADCr = 0;
00153     // To save power, the voltage over the LDR and the NTC is turned off when not used
00154     // This is done by controlling the voltage from a I/O-pin (PORTF3)
00155         /*
00156     CBI(PORTD, PF4); // Set internal pullup
00157     CBI(DDRF, DDF4
00158     */
00159         PORTF &= ~(1<<PF4); 
00160         DDRF &= ~(1<<DDF4);
00161         /*
00162     SBI(PORTF, PF3); // mt sbi(PORTF, PORTF3);     // Enable the VCP (VC-peripheral)
00163     SBI(DDRF, DDF3); // sbi(DDRF, PORTF3);        
00164          */
00166         PORTF |=(1<<PF3);
00167         DDRF |= (1<<DDF3);
00169         ADCSRA |= (1<<ADEN);
00171     //SBI(ADCSRA, ADEN);     // Enable the ADC
00173     //do a dummy readout first
00174     ADCSRA |= (1<<ADSC);        // do single conversion
00175     while(!(ADCSRA & 0x10));    // wait for conversion done, ADIF flag active
00177     for(i=0;i<8;i++)            // do the ADC conversion 8 times for better accuracy 
00178     {
00179         ADCSRA |= (1<<ADSC);        // do single conversion
00180         while(!(ADCSRA & 0x10));    // wait for conversion done, ADIF flag active
00182         ADC_temp = ADCL;            // read out ADCL register
00183         ADC_temp += (ADCH << 8);    // read out ADCH register        
00185         ADCr += ADC_temp;      // accumulate result (8 samples) for later averaging
00186     }
00188     ADCr = ADCr >> 3;     // average the 8 samples
00189 /*        
00190     CBI(PORTF,PF3);     // mt CBI(PORTF, PORTF3);     // disable the VCP
00191     CBI(DDRF,DDF3);     // mt CBI(DDRF, PORTF3);  
00193     CBI(PORTF,PF6);     //disable VCP
00194     CBI(DDRF,DDF6);
00195     CBI(PORTF,PF4);     //disable the internal Pullup.
00196     CBI(DDRF,DDF4);
00197 */
00198   //  PORTF &= ~(1<<PF3)|(1<<PF4)|(1<<PF6);
00199         DDRF &= ~(1<<DDF3)|(1<<DDF4)|(1<<DDF6);
00202         //CBI(ADCSRA, ADEN);      // disable the ADC
00203         ADCSRA &= ~(1<<ADEN);
00204     return ADCr;
00205 }
00208 /*****************************************************************************
00209 *
00210 *   Function name : ADC_periphery
00211 *
00212 *   Returns :       None
00213 *
00214 *   Parameters :    None
00215 *
00216 *   Purpose :       Calculates the Temperature/Voltage/Ligth from the ADC_read
00217 *                   and puts it out on the LCD.
00218 *
00219 *****************************************************************************/
00220 //void ADC_periphery(void)
00221 //{
00222 //    int ADCresult = 0;
00223 //    
00224 //    if (!gLogNow) {      // don't read while lig in process
00225 //      ADCresult=ADC_read();   // read ADC Value
00226 //      
00227 //      switch ((ADMUX & 7)){
00228 //          case TEMPERATURE_SENSOR:
00229 //              ADC2Temp(FALSE,ADCresult);
00230 //              break;
00231 //          case DIR_SENSOR :
00232 //              ADC2Direction(FALSE,ADCresult);
00233 //              break;
00234 //          case VOLTAGE_SENSOR:
00235 //              ADC2Volt(FALSE,ADCresult);
00236 //              break;
00237 //          case LIGHT_SENSOR:
00238 //              ADC2Light(FALSE,ADCresult);
00239 //      }
00240 //    }
00241 //    
00242 //}
00244 /*****************************************************************************
00245 *
00246 *   Function name : ADC2Temp
00247 *
00248 *   Returns :       nothing
00249 *
00250 *   Parameters :    char log (char to log to rs232 else print to screen)
00251 *                                       int ADCResult (ADC reading to convert)
00252 *
00253 *   Purpose :       Convert an ADC reading into a temp
00254 *
00255 *****************************************************************************/
00256 void ADC2Temp(char log,int ADCresult)
00257 {
00258     //   int ADCresult = 0;
00259     //   int ADCresult_temp = 0;
00260     int Temp_int=0;
00261     int dif;
00262     int top;
00264     char Temp;
00265     unsigned char i = 0;
00266     char TL;
00267     char TH; 
00268     char VH;    
00269     char VL;
00271 //    if (ADCresult<gMaxTemp)   // these appear backwards (the gt and lt) due to NTC of thermister
00272 //              gMaxTemp=ADCresult;
00273 //    if (ADCresult>gMinTemp)
00274 //              gMinTemp=ADCresult;
00276     /*  if (gTempOffset)
00277     {
00278         ADCresult = ADCresult -gTempOffset;
00279     }             
00280     */
00281     if(degree == CELCIUS){
00282                 if(ADCresult > 810){         // If it's a negtive temperature
00283                         for (i=0; i<=25; i++){   // Find the temperature
00284                                 if (ADCresult <= pgm_read_word(&TEMP_Celcius_neg[i])){
00285                                         // add a decimal reading
00286                                         if (i>0){       
00287                                                 dif= pgm_read_word(&TEMP_Celcius_neg[i])-pgm_read_word(&TEMP_Celcius_neg[i-1]);
00288                                                 top =(ADCresult-pgm_read_word(TEMP_Celcius_neg[i-1]))*100;
00290                                                 Temp_int = top/(dif+1);
00291                                                 i++;
00292                                         }
00293                                         break;
00294                                 }
00295                         }
00297                         //LCD_putc(0, '-');       // Put a minus sign in front of the temperature
00298                 }
00299                 else if (ADCresult < 800){   // If it's a positive temperature
00300                         for (i=0; i<100; i++)  {
00301                                 if (ADCresult >= pgm_read_word(&TEMP_Celcius_pos[i])){
00302                                         // add a decimal reading
00303                                         if (i>0){       
00304                                                 dif= pgm_read_word(&TEMP_Celcius_pos[i-1])-pgm_read_word(&TEMP_Celcius_pos[i]);
00305                                                 top =(pgm_read_word(&TEMP_Celcius_pos[i-1])-ADCresult)*100;
00307                                                 Temp_int = top/(dif+1);
00308                                                 i--;
00309                                         }
00310                                         break;
00311                                 }
00312                         }        
00313             //LCD_putc(0, '+');       // Put a plus sign in front of the temperature
00314                 } else{                        //If the temperature is zero degrees
00315                         i = 0;
00316                         LCD_putc(0, ' ');
00317                 }
00319                 Temp = CHAR2BCD2(i);        // Convert from char to bin
00320                 TL = (Temp & 0x0F) + '0';   // Find the low-byte
00321                 TH = (Temp >> 4) + '0';     // Find the high-byte
00323                 Temp= CHAR2BCD2(Temp_int);
00324                 VH = (Temp >> 4) + '0';
00325                 VL = (Temp & 0x0F) + '0';
00327                 if(log) {
00328                         /*              Usart_Tx(TH);
00329                         Usart_Tx(TL);
00330                         Usart_Tx('.');
00331                         Usart_Tx(VH);
00332                         Usart_Tx(VL);
00333                         Usart_Tx(' ');     
00334                         */
00335 //      #ifdef Log2Flash
00336 //                      DF_SPI_RW(TH);
00337 //                      DF_SPI_RW(TL);
00338 //                      DF_SPI_RW('.');
00339 //                      DF_SPI_RW(VH);
00340 //                      DF_SPI_RW(VL);
00341 //                      DF_SPI_RW(' '); 
00342 //      #endif
00343                 } else {
00344                         LCD_putc(0, TH);
00345                         LCD_putc(1, TL);
00346                         LCD_putc(2, VH);
00347                         LCD_putc(3, VL);
00348                         LCD_putc(4, '*');
00349                         LCD_putc(5, 'C');
00350                         LCD_Colon(TRUE);
00351                         LCD_putc(6, '\0');
00352                 }
00354     }
00355     /*
00356         else if (degree == FARENHEIT)
00357      {
00358             for (i=0; i<=141; i++)   // Find the temperature
00359             {
00360                 if (ADCresult > pgm_read_word(TEMP_Farenheit_pos[i]))
00361                 {
00362                     break;
00363                 }
00364             }        
00366             Temp_int = CHAR2BCD3(i);
00368             if (i > 99) // if there are three digits
00369             {
00370                 LCD_putc(0, '+');
00371                 TH = (Temp_int >> 8) + '0';   // Find the high-byte
00372                 LCD_putc(1, TH);
00373             }
00374             else    // if only two digits
00375             {
00376                 LCD_putc(0, ' ');
00377                 LCD_putc(1, '+');
00378             }
00380             TL = (Temp_int & 0x0F) + '0';   // Find the low-byte
00381             TH = ( (Temp_int >> 4) & 0x0F ) + '0';     // Find the high-byte                
00383             LCD_putc(2, TH);
00384             LCD_putc(3, TL);
00385             LCD_putc(4, '*');
00386             LCD_putc(5, 'F');
00387             LCD_putc(6, '\0');
00388             LCD_Colon(FALSE);
00390      }
00391      */
00392 }
00395 /*****************************************************************************
00396 *
00397 *   Function name : ADC2Direction
00398 *
00399 *   Returns :       nothing
00400 *
00401 *   Parameters :    char log (char to log to flash else print to screen)
00402 *                                       int ADCResult (ADC reading to convert)
00403 *
00404 *   Purpose :       Convert an ADC reading into a Direction Reading
00405 *
00406 *****************************************************************************/
00407 //void ADC2Direction(char log, int ADCresult)
00408 //{
00409 //    //  int Temp_int;
00410 //    int Temp;
00411 //    char TL;
00412 //    char TH; 
00413 //    char THH;
00414 //    
00415 //    Temp = CHAR2BCD3((ADCL+(ADCH<<8)));                
00416 //    
00417 //    TL = (Temp & 0x0F) + '0';       
00418 //    if(TL > '9')        // if the hex-value is over 9, add 7 in order to go 
00419 //      TL += 7;        // jump to the character in the ASCII-table
00420 //    
00421 //    TH = ((Temp >>= 4)& 0x0F) + '0';
00422 //    if(TH > '9')        // if the hex-value is over 9, add 7 in order to go 
00423 //      TH += 7;        // jump to the character in the ASCII-table
00424 //    
00425 //    THH = ((Temp >>= 4)& 0x0F) + '0';
00426 //    if(THH > '9')        // if the hex-value is over 9, add 7 in order to go 
00427 //      THH += 7;        // jump to the character in the ASCII-table
00428 //    
00429 //    if (log)
00430 //    {
00431 //      /*      Usart_Tx((ADCH + 0x30));
00432 //      Usart_Tx(TH);
00433 //      Usart_Tx(TL);
00434 //      Usart_Tx(' ');           */      
00435 //#ifdef Log2Flash
00436 //        DF_SPI_RW(THH);
00437 //      DF_SPI_RW(TH);
00438 //      DF_SPI_RW(TL);
00439 //      DF_SPI_RW(' '); 
00440 //#endif
00441 //      
00442 //    }else
00443 //    {
00444 //      LCD_putc(0, 'D');
00445 //      LCD_putc(1, 'I');
00446 //      LCD_putc(2, 'R');
00447 //      LCD_putc(3, THH);
00448 //      LCD_putc(4, TH);
00449 //      LCD_putc(5, TL);
00450 //      LCD_putc(6, '\0');
00451 //    }
00452 //}
00454 /*****************************************************************************
00455 *
00456 *   Function name : ADC2Volt
00457 *
00458 *   Returns :       nothing
00459 *
00460 *   Parameters :    char log (char to log to flash else print to screen)
00461 *                                       int ADCResult (ADC reading to convert)
00462 *
00463 *   Purpose :       Convert an ADC reading into a Voltage
00464 *
00465 *****************************************************************************/
00467 void ADC2Volt(char log, int ADCresult)
00468 {
00469     //  int ADCresult_temp = 0;
00470     char Temp;
00472     char TL;
00473     // char TH;
00474     char VH;    
00475     char VL;
00477     float V_ADC;
00478     char VoltageHB;
00479     char VoltageLB;
00481     V_ADC = ( ADCresult * Vref ) / 1024; // Calculate the voltage
00483     V_ADC = ( V_ADC * 6 );      // Multiply by 6 because of the voltage division
00485     VoltageHB = V_ADC;              // Store the high-byte
00486     V_ADC = ( V_ADC - VoltageHB );
00487     VoltageLB = ( V_ADC * 100 );    // Store the low-byte
00489     Temp = CHAR2BCD2(VoltageHB);    // Convert from char to bin
00491     TL = (Temp & 0x0F) + '0';
00492     //TH = (Temp >> 4) + '0';
00494     Temp = CHAR2BCD2(VoltageLB);    // Convert from char to bin
00496     VH = (Temp >> 4) + '0';
00497     VL = (Temp & 0x0F) + '0';
00498     if (log)
00499     {
00501         /*      Usart_Tx(TL);
00502         Usart_Tx('.');
00503         Usart_Tx(VH);
00504         Usart_Tx(VL);
00505         Usart_Tx(' ');   */
00507 //#ifdef Log2Flash
00508 //      DF_SPI_RW(TL);
00509 //      DF_SPI_RW('.');
00510 //      DF_SPI_RW(VH);
00511 //      DF_SPI_RW(VL);
00512 //      DF_SPI_RW(' ');
00513 //#endif
00514     }else
00515     {
00516         LCD_putc(0, ' ');
00517         LCD_putc(1, ' ');
00518         LCD_putc(2, TL);
00519         LCD_putc(3, 'v');
00520         LCD_putc(4, VH);
00521         LCD_putc(5, VL);
00522         LCD_putc(6, '\0');
00523     }   
00525 }
00526 /*****************************************************************************
00527 *
00528 *   Function name : ADC2Light
00529 *
00530 *   Returns :       nothing
00531 *
00532 *   Parameters :    char log (char to log to flash else print to screen)
00533 *                                       int ADCResult (ADC reading to convert)
00534 *
00535 *   Purpose :       Convert an ADC reading into a Light Reading
00536 *
00537 *****************************************************************************/
00538 void ADC2Light(char log, int ADCresult)
00539 {
00540     //  int Temp_int;
00541     int Temp;
00542     //    char i = 0;
00543     char TL;
00544     char TH; 
00545     char THH;
00546     /*
00547         // Find Vref
00548      for (i=0; i<=22; i++)
00549      {
00550          if (ADCresult <= LIGHT_ADC[i])
00551          {
00552              break;
00553          }
00554      }
00556      if(!i)              // if it's very bright
00557      Vref = 2.815;
00558      else if(i > 21)
00559      Vref = 2.942;   // if it's totally dark
00560      else
00561      Vref = LIGHT_VOLTAGE[i];   
00562      */
00563     // The relation between ADC-value and lux is yet to be found, 
00564     // for now the ADC-value is presented on the LCD
00566     Temp = CHAR2BCD3(1023 - (ADCL+(ADCH<<8)));                
00568     TL = (Temp & 0x0F) + '0';       
00569     if(TL > '9')        // if the hex-value is over 9, add 7 in order to go 
00570         TL += 7;        // jump to the character in the ASCII-table
00572     TH = ((Temp >>= 4)& 0x0F) + '0';
00573     if(TH > '9')        // if the hex-value is over 9, add 7 in order to go 
00574         TH += 7;        // jump to the character in the ASCII-table
00576     THH = ((Temp >>= 4)& 0x0F) + '0';
00577     if(THH > '9')        // if the hex-value is over 9, add 7 in order to go 
00578         THH += 7;        // jump to the character in the ASCII-table
00580     if (log)
00581     {
00582         /*      Usart_Tx((ADCH + 0x30));
00583         Usart_Tx(TH);
00584         Usart_Tx(TL);
00585         Usart_Tx(' ');           */      
00586 //#ifdef Log2Flash
00587 //        DF_SPI_RW(THH);
00588 //      DF_SPI_RW(TH);
00589 //      DF_SPI_RW(TL);
00590 //      DF_SPI_RW(' '); 
00591 //#endif
00593     }else
00594     {
00595         LCD_putc(0, 'L');
00596         LCD_putc(1, 'D');
00597         LCD_putc(2, 'R');
00598         LCD_putc(3, THH);
00599         LCD_putc(4, TH);
00600         LCD_putc(5, TL);
00601         LCD_putc(6, '\0');
00602     }
00603 }
00606 /*****************************************************************************
00607 *
00608 *   Function name : TemperatureFunc
00609 *
00610 *   Returns :       char ST_state (to the state-machine)
00611 *
00612 *   Parameters :    char input (from joystick)
00613 *
00614 *   Purpose :       Enable or disable temperature measurements
00615 *
00616 *****************************************************************************/
00617 //char TemperatureFunc(char input)
00618 //{
00619 //    static char enter = 1;
00620 //    
00621 //    if (enter)
00622 //    {
00623 //        enter = 0;
00624 //        
00625 //        ADC_init(TEMPERATURE_SENSOR);       // Init the ADC
00626 //
00627 //        // Enable auto-run of the ADC_perphery every 10ms 
00628 //        // (it will actually be more than 10ms cause of the SLEEP)
00629 //        Timer0_RegisterCallbackFunction(ADC_periphery); 
00630 //    }
00631 //    else
00632 //        LCD_UpdateRequired(TRUE, 0);        // New data to be presented
00633 //    
00634 //    if (input == KEY_PREV)
00635 //    {
00636 //        // Disable the auto-run of the ADC_periphery
00637 //        Timer0_RemoveCallbackFunction(ADC_periphery);
00638 //        
00639 //        enter = 1;  // Set enter to 1 before leaving the TemperatureFunc
00640 //        
00641 //        return ST_TEMPERATURE;
00642 //    }/*
00643 //    else if (input == KEY_PLUS)
00644 //    {   
00645 //        if (degree == FAHRENHEIT)
00646 //            degree = CELCIUS;
00647 //        else
00648 //            degree = FAHRENHEIT;
00649 //    }
00650 //    else if (input == KEY_MINUS)
00651 //    {
00652 //        if (degree == FAHRENHEIT)
00653 //            degree = CELCIUS;
00654 //        else
00655 //            degree = FAHRENHEIT;
00656 //    }
00657 //     else if (input == KEY_ENTER)
00658 //     {
00659 //       if (gTempOffset)
00660 //           gTempOffset=0;
00661 //       else
00662 //           gTempOffset=ADC_read()-806;
00663 //     }
00664 //     */
00665 //    
00666 //    return ST_TEMPERATURE_FUNC;        
00667 //}
00670 /*****************************************************************************
00671 *
00672 *   Function name : VoltageFunc
00673 *
00674 *   Returns :       char ST_state (to the state-machine)
00675 *
00676 *   Parameters :    char input (from joystick)
00677 *
00678 *   Purpose :       Enable or disable voltage measurements
00679 *
00680 *****************************************************************************/
00681 //char VoltageFunc(char input)
00682 //{
00683 //    static char enter = 1;
00684 //    
00685 //    if (enter)
00686 //    {
00687 //        enter = 0;
00688 //
00689 //        ADC_init(VOLTAGE_SENSOR);       // Init the ADC
00690 //        
00691 //        // Enable auto-run of the ADC_perphery every 10ms 
00692 //        // (it will actually be more than 10ms cause of the SLEEP)        
00693 //        Timer0_RegisterCallbackFunction(ADC_periphery);        
00694 //    }
00695 //    else
00696 //        LCD_UpdateRequired(TRUE, 0); 
00697 //
00698 //    if (input == KEY_PREV)
00699 //    {
00700 //        // Disable the auto-run of the ADC_periphery        
00701 //        Timer0_RemoveCallbackFunction(ADC_periphery);
00702 //        
00703 //        enter = 1;  // Set enter to 1 before leaving the TemperatureFunc
00704 //        
00705 //        return ST_VOLTAGE;
00706 //    }
00707 //    else
00708 //        return ST_VOLTAGE_FUNC;    
00709 //}    
00713 /*****************************************************************************
00714 *
00715 *   Function name : DirectionFunc
00716 *
00717 *   Returns :       char ST_state (to the state-machine)
00718 *
00719 *   Parameters :    char input (from joystick)
00720 *
00721 *   Purpose :       Enable or disable voltage measurements
00722 *
00723 *****************************************************************************/
00724 //
00725 //char DirectionFunc(char input)
00726 //{
00727 //    static char enter = 1;
00728 //    
00729 //    if (enter)
00730 //    {
00731 //        enter = 0;
00732 //      
00733 //        ADC_init(DIR_SENSOR);       // Init the ADC
00734 //        
00735 //        // Enable auto-run of the ADC_perphery every 10ms 
00736 //        // (it will actually be more than 10ms cause of the SLEEP)        
00737 //        Timer0_RegisterCallbackFunction(ADC_periphery);        
00738 //    }
00739 //    else
00740 //        LCD_UpdateRequired(TRUE, 0); 
00741 //    
00742 //    if (input == KEY_PREV)
00743 //    {
00744 //        // Disable the auto-run of the ADC_periphery        
00745 //        Timer0_RemoveCallbackFunction(ADC_periphery);
00746 //        
00747 //        enter = 1;  // Set enter to 1 before leaving the TemperatureFunc
00748 //        
00749 //        return ST_DIR;
00750 //    }
00751 //    else
00752 //        return ST_DIR_FUNC;    
00753 //}    
00756 /*****************************************************************************
00757 *
00758 *   Function name : LightFunc
00759 *
00760 *   Returns :       char ST_state (to the state-machine)
00761 *
00762 *   Parameters :    char input (from joystick)
00763 *
00764 *   Purpose :       Enable or disable light measurements
00765 *
00766 *****************************************************************************/
00767 //char LightFunc(char input)
00768 //{
00769 //    static char enter = 1;
00770 //    
00771 //    if (enter)
00772 //    {
00773 //    
00774 //        enter = 0;
00775 //        
00776 //        ADC_init(LIGHT_SENSOR);     // Init the ADC
00777 //        
00778 //        // Enable auto-run of the ADC_perphery every 10ms 
00779 //        // (it will actually be more than 10ms cause of the SLEEP)  
00780 //        Timer0_RegisterCallbackFunction(ADC_periphery);        
00781 //    }
00782 //    else
00783 //        LCD_UpdateRequired(TRUE, 0); 
00784 //
00785 //    if (input == KEY_PREV)
00786 //    {
00787 //        // Disable the auto-run of the ADC_periphery      
00788 //        Timer0_RemoveCallbackFunction(ADC_periphery);
00789 //        
00790 //        enter = 1;  // Set enter to 1 before leaving the TemperatureFunc
00791 //    
00792 //        return ST_LIGHT;
00793 //    }
00794 //    else
00795 //        return ST_LIGHT_FUNC;    
00796 //}    
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