

Go to the documentation of this file.
00034 #ifndef PCD8544_H
00035 #define PCD8544_H
00037 #include <avr/io.h>
00038 #include <avr/pgmspace.h>
00039 #include <avr/interrupt.h>
00040 #include "types.h"
00043 /*** LCD defines **************************************************************
00044  *      
00045  *      These are the port/pins I used; change if necessary them to suit your
00046  *      circuit.
00047  *      
00048  **************************************************************************///{
00051 // for AVR Butterfly
00052 //#define NOKIA_ALTPINOUT
00053 #ifdef NOKIA_ALTPINOUT 
00054         #define lcdPort         PORTC   // port that LCD is on; needs 5 free pins
00055         #define lcdPortD        DDRC    //
00056         #define SCLK            PC3
00057         #define SDIN            PC2
00058         #define DC                      PC7
00059         #define SCE_            PC6
00060         #define RES_            PC4
00061 #else
00062         #define lcdPort         PORTC   // port that LCD is on; needs 5 free pins
00063         #define lcdPortD        DDRC    //
00064         #define SCLK            PC3
00065         #define SDIN            PC5
00066         #define DC                      PC2
00067         #define SCE_            PC1
00068         #define RES_            PC4
00069 #endif
00071 //      LCD Defines
00072 //#define LOwERCASE_STRINGS
00074 /*** LCD Simple Controls ******************************************************
00075  *      
00076  *      Some low level LCD controls
00077  *      
00078  **************************************************************************///{
00079         #define lcdInvert1      lcdModeCmd;lcdByte(0x0d)                                        // invert
00080         #define lcdInvert0      lcdModeCmd;lcdByte(0x0c)                                        // normal
00082         #define lcdModeCmd      lcdPort &= (unsigned char)~_BV(DC)
00083         #define lcdModeData     lcdPort |= (unsigned char)_BV(DC)
00085         #define lcdResume       lcdPort &= (unsigned char)~_BV(SCE_)
00086         #define lcdSuspend      lcdPort |= (unsigned char)_BV(SCE_)
00088         #define lcdReset        lcdPort &= (unsigned char)~_BV(RES_);lcdPort |= (unsigned char) _BV(RES_)       // reset the LCD
00089 //}
00090 //      LCD Simple Controls
00092 /*** LCD Size *****************************************************************
00093  *      
00094  *      Used mainly during testing on an 8515/stk500. The 8515 has 512 bytes RAM,
00095  *      and the frame buffer is 6x84=504 bytes leaving too little (8b) for other
00096  *      stuff. My solution was to decrease the vertical lines available (temporarily
00097  *      of course) to let me use 5x84=420 bytes, and have enough for other stuff.
00098  *
00099  *      If you are using a processor with less than 1K of RAM, you can decrease the
00100  *      'fbRows' value to 5. You can draw to the last LCD row without the frame
00101  *      buffer by calling "lcdXY(x,5)" (where 'x' is 0 to 84) and then writing a
00102  *      byte by calling "lcdByte(value)" to fill in one column at a time.
00103  *      
00104  **************************************************************************///{
00105         #define fbCols          84
00106         #define fbRows          2
00107 //}
00108 //      LCD Size
00110 /*** Global Vars **************************************************************
00111  *      
00112  *      Just the framebuffer and frame buffer cursor
00113  *      
00114  **************************************************************************///{
00115 //      uint8 frameBuffer[fbCols][fbRows];      // __attribute__ ((section (".noinit")));
00116         uint8 fbXY[2];                                          // frame buffer cursor location
00117 //}
00118 //      Global Variables
00121 /*** LCD Functions *********************************************************
00122 *
00123 *       User functions for manipulating the LCD.
00124 *
00125 ***************************************************************************/
00126 void lcdByte(uint8 data);
00127 void lcdDot(uint8 x, uint8 yLine, uint8 color);
00128 void lcdCh(uint8* fontSet, uint8 ch);
00129 void lcdWrite(uint8* fontSet, uint8* buf, uint8 is_pstr, uint8 len);
00130 void fbClr(void); 
00131 void lcdClr(void);
00132 void lcdClrLine(uint8 lineNo);
00133 void lcdInit(void);
00134 void lcdXY(uint8 x, uint8 y);
00136 //void lcdLine ( uint8 x1, uint8 y1, uint8 x2, uint8 y2, uint8 mode );
00138 //} LCD Functions 
00139 #endif
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